Friday, July 23, 2010

Kanesha & Lance

This day I had an opportunity to be a blessing to a good friend and a wonderful young couple.

DJ Ladd of Ladd Photography was shooting a wedding and I asked if I could be his 3rd camera. He already had a 2nd camera guy, his name is Biogis. I hope I spelled that correctly. The young lady that was getting married (Kanesha) had been my daughters dance instructor. I knew I had to give something back to her. She blessed me by teaching my daughter to dance. They had an incredible and emotional recital. Well, for me anyway. I tried to photograph my daughter while crying and it was tough. A lot of the shots were blurry because I couldn't keep the camera steady, people were looking at me, my wife was embarrassed. I didn't care!!! All I wanted to do was see my baby dance.

Thanks Ladd for allowing me to assist you.

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