Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Son's Spelling Bee

My Son placed 8th out of 32 kids at his schools spelling bee.  He was doing so well.  He made it to the 3rd round.  The word he missed was "trouble".  He spelled it trbouble.  We believe he quickly developed a little too much confidence since he correctly spelled his first few words.  We're proud of him anyway.  Plus, this was his first spelling bee.  He'll get 'em  next time.


My Daughter won her science fair (School of Math & Science)

I am one proud father.  My oldest daughter won her Science Fair.  Her project was on Helium vs Air.  She used balloons as an example to prove her theory.  She told me she placed third.  How could I have believed her.  That was the oldest trick in the book.  I taught her that trick.  I told her it was okay...I still believed in her and she won first place in my book.  She then started laughing and screamed "I won First Place!"  I hollered!!!  I was so excited.  She and her mother worked on the project.  I'm proud of them both.

Now we'll have to see if her project is chosen to represent the school in the County competition.  There were a lot of pretty cool projects there.  Her project was original!

Daddy loves you sweetie.  Keep up the EXCELLENT work!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Charlsie's able to ride now

If you know my daughter then you know that her favorite animal has and always will be a horse.  Her mom and I surprised her with a visit to a friends stables to visit his beautiful Tennessee Walkers.  He's going to teach her to ride.

Some months ago my daughter had surgery on her spine.  She has since been cleared by her Dr. and is ready to start slow riding horses.