Monday, December 14, 2009

I've been ill...I'm much better now.

Hi everyone!!! I know I've been absent for a while. I haven't posted anything new in weeks. Well, I've been in the hospital. I had some issues that needed tending too. I'm much better now.

I'm now working on some new work. I'll load some stuff soon.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

DeKendell & LaShoundra

DeKendell & LaShoundra

The day was beautiful. Everyone arrived at the church on time. We were able to get all of the photography done prior to the ceremony. Wow!!! I set up the moment for the two of them to see each other and it worked out perfectly. When the service was over, I believe most of the people were shocked. They were thinking we had photos to shoot after the ceremony. They walked out of the church and hopped straight into the limo. We surprised the limo driver, he was in the front seat of the car when they climbed in. If only I had taken a photo of his face when he got out of the car. We had a great time all day and all night.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Tj & Shelby's photos

Here are some photos that my two little rug rats shot. The first two are my sons and the bottom two are my youngest daughters. My son won first place at his school for the photo contest with the moon shot and third place for his Bakugans shot.

Daddy is proud of them. I see it's time to start sharing all of the knowledge.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Zulfi & Alefyah (The Reception) SanDestin, Florida

Today is the third and final day of the wedding. It's called the Reception. Here are a few photos. It was held at the San Destin Golf & Beach Resort. Everything was first class. The food was fantastic.

One thing I love about Zulfi & Alefyah is the support they get from their family. I'm not just talking about immediate family, I'm talking about down the line cousins & uncles & aunts. There were a lot of them that came from Maryland, New Jersey & NY. That's awesome to me!!

I was told by a number of his family members that I'm now in the family. I guess this means when my birthday rolls around, I should expect some pretty cool gifts...hint hint.

Very soon I will be loading the images on my website to view and purchase. I'm still editing them...we shot thousands!!!! The password will be the grooms last name.