My daughter asked me to chaperone her field trip to the Riverview Plaza Hotel. Her class had to perform a couple of Christmas songs in front of a large group of people. I quickly made some cancellations and said "I'm there sweetie"! They grow up quick. I try to take advantage of these opportunities. Soon she'll be saying "I don't want you to go Dad"!
I also had the pleasure of meeting, for the first time, Scarlett. Scarlett is a unique individual. She loves attention. I mean lots of attention!! Well, Shelby didn't take to kindly to that. She wasn't use to other girls hugging and holding hands with her father. I had to share the attention yet show Shelby she will always be Daddy's little girl.
We had a wonderful time. Scarlett and Shelby were two little hoots. They acted as though they have been friends for years and they just met this school term.
Here are a few photos.