There are a few things I'm sure about. One of them is "I'm sure I'm in Love with my Wife!"
August 17Th was her birthday and I've been working on a very special project for a couple of months now. You're talking about being surprised...well that was the plan anyway. I needed the assistance of some people and it got out. Was I upset...YES I WAS!!!! But, I had to adjust. I couldn't allow that to RUIN what I'd worked so long and hard for.
Her reaction was exactly what I'd expected. She couldn't hold back the tears. I invited some of the people I photographed to come and watch the premier. My sister-in-law was crying, my mother was crying my sister was crying and I even teared up a bit watching them. I also think my cousin Donnie was crying...and he is a Marine.
The shots of the kids are our kids. She was really shocked when she saw those. Our oldest daughter was told by her doctors she wouldn't be able to start school until 2 weeks in. By the Glory of God, she was there the first day of school. It was awesome just to see her standing in the picture. Our youngest is now in big kids school as she says.
Her second gift included some subliminal shots throughout the show. She figured it out while watching of course. Everyone else just wondered why the shots were there. Before the show ended, I had to sneak out to grab the basket filled with the items in the show. They were a piece of granite, some hard wood and some square tiles. Now, I know you know what the second gift is. We're about to start construction on remodeling our home. She was outdone then, totally caught off guard. Her third gift was dinner at Bonefish Grill...which I might add was FANTASTIC! Then later I got my thank you gift. (smiling ;')
Here is the slide show that has gotten me a lifetime "Get Out of Jail Free Card" membership.
Fellas, if you want to do this for your wife...you better call me.